Large Scale Composting
Increase profits and nutritional quality plus reduce odors at your large-scale composting operation with beneficial effective microorganisms.
- Helps Optimize Compost pH
- Shown to Increase Effective Microorganisms Counts
- Helps Balance Carbon: Nitrogen Ratio
- Accelerates Healthy Composting

Microbial Inoculant & Soil Amendment
Increase yield and decrease inputs, all while improving your soil’s health for the next generation!

Helps Optimize Compost pH
Studies have shown that treating compost with SCD Bio Ag helps optimize pH, so it is consistently within the ideal 6.5-8.0 range for healthy decomposition--a key indicator of beneficial microbial activity.
Shown to Increase Effective Microorganisms Counts
Compost can’t happen without beneficial effective microorganisms: SCD Bio Ag has been to shown to increase counts up to 100%.
Helps Balance Carbon: Nitrogen Ratio
Studies have also shown that treating compost with SCD Bio Ag helps create highly nutritious compost within the ideal Carbon: Nitrogen Ratio range.
Accelerates Healthy Composting
Use SCD Bio Ag as a compost starter or compost accelerator for fast composting time: studies have shown SCD Bio Ag to help create finished compost--with no pathogens likeE. colior Salmonella present--within 35 days. SCD Bio Ag also helps compost smelling earthy and sweet--not foul--without nitrogen loss.
Grow profits, improve compost quality and value, speed up composting time, and reduce odors to prevent fines--no matter the size of your large-scale composting operation.
Whether you’re selling your finished compost as product or using it yourself, clean, higher quality compost with higher nutritional value means higher profits. So does speeding up the time it takes to produce your compost and keeping odors at low levels, reducing neighbor complaints and agency fines.
After all, if you’re in the composting business, you know all about the importance of having the right beneficial effective microorganisms in your mix. Adding effective microorganisms in a probiotic like SCD Bio Ag is a simple, cost-effective way to ensure increased microbial activity for speedy breakdown of organic matter--with higher levels of nutrients extracted and saved for your finished compost. Plus they’ll help keep your compost smelling earthy and sweet--so it doesn’t invite neighbor complaints or regulatory fines.
SCD Bio Ag can be used on all types of organic matter, including yard waste, manure, sludge, animal bedding, food (including vegetables and meat) and food processing waste, sawdust, wood chips, and all other types of organic waste--making it highly flexible for your operation, even as base materials change. As a liquid probiotic concentrate, it’s easy to dilute and spray on your piles or windrows, and it’s OMRI Listed for Organic Use, making it easy to meet organic certification requirements for higher value compost.
Want to buy in bulk or just find out more?
What Real Compost Facilities Are Saying
We want to openly express that the application of SCD Probiotics products indeed produce remarkable results...both in the odor control and the product quality.
We now consider SCD Probiotics a value-add to our final products. We are also advertising the SCD Probiotics Technology by including the technology logo on our retail bags of compost.
Why SCD Bio Ag®?
Effective microorganisms (aka probiotics) are a living mixture of beneficial “bugs,” called microorganisms, that typically come in liquid form. It’s a blend of bacteria, yeast, fungi, and others that can be used for a variety of ag applications.
SCD Bio Ag contains a powerful ecosystem of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Bacillus spp., Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria, and Yeast. Unlike most companies, we use patented fermentation technology to grow carefully screened compatible species of beneficial microbes together, scientifically selecting for and enhancing their active functions. Using this patented method, our microbes form a unique synergistic community that is more effective together, as a system, than singularly-grown microorganisms.
SCD Bio Ag, like all SCD Probiotics products, is produced through a natural fermentation process—it is not chemically synthesized, genetically engineered or modified.
SCD BioAg is also certified OMRI Listed® (Organic Materials Review Institute) as safe for use in organic production--helping you meet both organic certification requirements and your needs for crop and field treatment. All SCD products are manufactured in Kansas City, USA under strict quality control standards.
General Applications:
Soil Inoculant, Seed Soak, Foliar Spray, Post-Harvest, Plant Propagation, Commercial and Large-Scale Composting
Sustainable Community Development
SCD Probiotics was founded in 1998 as Sustainable Community Development to create products that don’t just replace the toxic chemicals in our lives but help undo their widespread damage as well—going beyond simply nontoxic to living, regenerative products that actively build health. But it doesn’t stop there. We’re committed to building community, sustainably, across all ecosystems--starting in our own backyard.
The Giving Grove empowers people in Kansas City communities to achieve greater food security. By planting small, urban orchards that are then championed and maintained by neighborhood individuals, school, and church groups, they support new entrepreneurs who learn, grow, give time, and harvest to transform and reshape the community in which they live. We’re proud to partner with The Giving Grove by providing SCD Bio Ag® for their orchards, helping them nourish depleted urban soil and grow healthier trees that flourish where they’re grown.
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